Friday, October 2, 2009

Blood Happens

Hey all, Werewolf here… I was at the tournament on the 20th as well and took my Chaos with me. I field a mech-heavy assault army and just failed to get to all the objectives fast enough. I’m used to playing more of the target enemies and kill them and not the missions so I had a rough day till the last mission. Well here is the list I took, its a little low on troops so I am reworking things.

Daemon Prince with Wings, Mark of Slaanesh, and Warptime
Daemon Prince with Wings and Mark of Khorne
Summoned Greater Daemon
3 Terminators with 2 Combi-meltas, a Heavy Flamer, a Powerfist, and a Champion
10 Khorne Berzerkers with Skull Champion, Powerfist, and Personal Icon
10 Khorne Berzerkers with Skull Champion, Powerfist, and Personal Icon
6 Chaos Space Marines with Aspiring Champion and Melta in Rhino

Game 1: Witch Hunters

Chaos fighting Witch Hunters was a pretty epic face off. He had 2 units of Storm Troopers one in a Rhino, Saint Celestine, and an elite Inquisitor in a Landraider with 2 Hen chmen, 2 Exorcists, 5 Seraphim, a unit of elite Sisters with a Priest, and an Assassin. The table quarters objective was not really new to me, but I haven’t had a lot of experience with it. He hid his troops back behind a large castle wall out of the way in his deployment zone. I figured I had to eliminate some threats to my armor, and he proved that by taking out my Rhino on first turn with Exorcist fire. In response my Landraiders rolled forward and popped off some Lascannon shots at them and managed to nuder one and shook the other. My Vindicator took care of most of the elite Sisters in the open. I ended up Deepstriking the Terminators behind the other Exorcist and taking it out, lured the Inquisitor out of the Landraider after my now 5 man Chaos Marine Squad, as the Greater Daemon busted out of the Champion. The Terminators got layed low by a lone Priest who had survived where the Sisters had not. I failed on difficult terrain to get the Berzerkers in against the Inquisitor and they got engaged by the Assassin who took out most of them. The other unit of Berzerkers and the Khorne Prince charged St. Celestine and managed to kill her without too many losses. The end came when he had his quarter controlled by a Storm Trooper squad on the Castle wall, and another in a rhino in the quarter next to it. I failed to have anything close enough that was still alive to contest, and his Seraphim jumped out and ran from cover just enough to contes t my own table quarter which had my only troops left, 7 Berzerkers. I ended up losing, getting only 1 Point.

Game 2: Chaos

Chaos on Chaos action. Always fun to watch and play. Especially two Berzerker heavy armies. My opponent had 2 rhinos full of 8 Berzerkers, a Landraider with Daemonic Possession with 8 Berzerkers and Kharn the Betrayer, 2 units of 8 Lesser Daemons, and 2 Predators with Twinlinked Lascannons, Heavy Bolter Sponsons and Daemonic Possession. I was kind of upset I got stuck on the same board again, but the scenario was different this time so I was ok. 5 Objectives, always kind of hard to fit them all in. I noticed I only had 3 Troop choices and just tried to do the numbers in my head and see which ones I had to take and which I had to Contest. My opponent had awful luck on moving his vehicles; trying to drive over a hill he immobilized both his Predators on the far side of the board. Then he immobilized a Rhino driving over some rubble. Lucky for him, his Predators still had a good line to shoot at my Rhino squad and ended up killing all of them to the man making me lose an objective I had under control. My Daemon Princes and a squad of Berzerkers got into a meatgrinder with 2 units of his Berzerkers, a unit of Lesser Daemons and Kharn, and unfortunately due to some bad rolling on my part Kharn came out, last man standing, the only guy lef t. At the end of the game I had a unit of Berzerkers on an objective, contested on that he had by packing my Landraider on top it, and tried to gun my other Landraider to the one he controlled with his second lesser daemons unit, but was an inch too far. Resulted in a tie, giving me another 5 points, and 6 points total.

Game 3: Orks

This last game was a little crazy due to the board. The entire thing was a bombed out, crater riddled, World War I battlefield with a destroyed Inn at the middle. The entire board was pretty much difficult terrain. I was worried about my vehicles getting bogged down, but I did fine. My opponent had 2 30 man mobs (I think one was ‘Ard Boyz), 12 bikers, 15 Lootas, 15 Burna boyz, 10 Nobs and a Warboss in a Battlewagon. This mission was Kill Points, which I always seem to do a lot better with than objective missions. As a Khorne army I don’t have a whole lot of shooting, but I got to use what little I had this game. Playing a Horde my opponent didn’t have a whole lot of maneuvering room and this caused a problem for him. He kept rolling 1’s and 2’s for his difficult terrain moves. It also didn’t help that my second turn I popped my Vindicator around the center building and blew up his Battlewagon full of Nobs with one shot, forcing them to walk the rest of the way; having no better lu ck than the other Boyz. I lured his bikes though difficult terrain towards one of my Landraiders and when he failed to reach assault range I jumped out with Berzerkers and chopped up the whole mob. My Chaos Marines were up in between the 2 Boyz mobs and his Burna boyz firing out the top hatch until a big nasty Greater Daemon popped out the side of the Rhino. I lost the Greater Daemon, and the Khorne Daemon took 2 wounds but mopped up and flew away from everything else. For 3 turns his Warboss and Nobs kept running towards my Vindicator which kept pulling back and firing at them. I eventually flew over my Slaanesh Warptime Prince and killed his Warboss. The game ended with my losing a Rhino, the Vindicator, my Warptime Prince and the Greater Daemon. I took out his Bikers, 2 of his mobs, his Warboss, his Burna Boys, and his Battlewagon. So I won 6 to 4 and took 10 points for the win, plus a point for killing all his HQ, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support. This gave my 19 points at the end of it all, not even close to placing.

All in all it was a fun day and even though I didn’t place it was a great time. Had a few mishaps, and bad rolls, but that’s to be expected. I had a lot more laughs and enjoyable experiences than bad luck so I counted it as a win in my book. I’ll be tweaking this list and taking it to the next tournament as well, but in the mean time I’m working on my Space Wolves, hopefully getting them up to tournament points. Really looking forward to some fun with them! Till next time, cheers.