Hey guys. I got my first few bugs painted up, namely 12 gaunts with devourers, 10 stock gaunts, and a warrior prime. I said first few... I know people might question the devourer gaunts. 10 points a gaunt, what are you thinking! I'm thinking these guys kick out 36 shots at 18 in. range. That's pretty good. In cover or used carefully, they can be fun and a nice fire support squad. I plan on adding some warriors (I know they might not be the best unit in the book but hey I like 'em), zoanthropes and converting up a tervigon soon, which should bring me up to a 750 ish points mark. It'll look something like this:
Warrior Prime- Bonesword, lashwhip, Adrenal Glands
10 Termagants
12 Termagants- Devourers
3 Warriors- 3 Bonesword Pairs, Adrenal Glands, 2 Deathspitters, Venom Cannon
Tervigon- Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
2 Zoanthropes
What do you think? Hopefully I'll get some pics up soon so you guys can see the progress.
I like comments!
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard! More soon
about my own stuff...
But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitabl...
6 years ago