Thursday, November 26, 2009

Battle for Salvation: Perils of the Warp makes an aperance.

Hey guys. We all traveled up to White Plains last weekend to take on the guys from Battle for Salvation in their yearly tournament. It was a blast! Extremely well run event and a great group of guys. I feel we represented ourselves well, with all of us winning some games and ranking fairly high. Presonally, I took best painted (which is an honor as some of those models were gorgeous!) and got damn near to top 3, so I couldn't be happier. I can't speak for the other guys, but I probably won't be posting much on it scince most of my experience is covered elsewhere already. I throw some links in at the end of this post for reference.
In the meantime, I'm playing a few games with my brother, the guy responsible for me getting into this mess, over turkey vacation, so I'll have some quick overviews of those soon.
Thanks for reading! Here's them links:
Here's Black Matt's take on my army and a few pictures-
Accompanying Youtube Vid-
Jawaballs take on the game I played against him-

Thanks again for reading! Let us know what you think.

-= Bangley, out!=-

1 comment:

  1. So when do we get to hear about those games with that handsome brother of yours?
