Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A tournament!

Hey guys!  Or whoever reads this at all.  So recently I played in a local tourney at Your Hobby Place in Martinsburg, WV.  Great store!  Go see Dave there if you're ever in the area.

We had about 18 people show up, which is alright.  It was 1750 points, and 3 rounds.  Here's my quick re-cap of the event.
I played my Eldar, easily my favorite and go-to army.  My army consisted of the following:


Farseer-Doom, Guide, Spirit Stone, Runes of Witnessing, Runes of Warding

Farseer-Doom, Guide, Spirit Stone, Runes of Witnessing


5 Fire Dragons
                Wave Serpent- Twin Linked Shuriken Cannons, Hull Mounted Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones


3 Guardian Jetbikes-Shuriken Cannon

10 Dire Avengers-Exarch, Bladestorm, Dual Catapults
                Wave Serpent-Twin Linked Bright Lances, Spirit Stone

10 Dire Avengers-Exarch, Bladestorm, Dual Catapults
                Wave Serpent-Twin Linked Bright Lances, Spirit Stone


2 Vypers-2 Shuriken Cannons, 2 Scatter Lasers


Night Spinner-Spirit Stone

Fire Prism-Spirit Stone, Holo Fields, Hull Mounted Shuriken Cannon

Fire Prism-Spirit Stone, Holo Fields, Hull Mounted Shuriken Cannon


Game 1 was capture and control, pitched battle.  The board was arranged with a huge, stepped hill covering most of one quarter, a fairly large tower blocking LOS in the middle, some rocks and craters scattered around and a landing pad opposite the hill.  I played against a Tau player with a list something like this:

Commander with 3 Battle Suits and 4 Drones

Commander with 3 Battle Suits and 4 Drones

12 Fire Warriors in a Devilfish w/Smart Missiles

12 Fire Warriors in a Devilfish w/Smart Missiles

20 Kroot, 8ish of which were Hounds

3 Broadsides and 2 Shield Drones



I ended up going second, which was fine with me, and put everything out but the 3 bikes.  He held back the Kroot to outflank, and both groups of suits to drop in.  I set up fairly poorly opposite my opponent who, being Tau, wisely took the side with the huge hill to give his broadsides excellent sight.  He had LOS to several of my vehicles and turn one popped open the Dragons Wave Serpent and took off one Prism Cannon.  Could have been worse.  From there on out I rolled kinda crappy, not managing to do much of anything to his army.  The Dragons took over one of the Avengers rides, heading up the hill towards things they'd like to blow up leaving the Avengers to sit in cover on an objective.

He made the mistake of splitting his army up, leaving the Broadsides, one Hammerhead, and one group of Fire Warriors at the peak of the hill, and the rest in the field below.  This is what lost him the game, as I sent my whole army up the hill and fairly soundly beat up his forces there, despite my terrible rolling throughout.

The game ended up coming down to a tank shock into his objective contesting it, and him not making it to mine for an Eldar victory.  I walked away with 17 out of a possible 20 points (14 for a win, bonuses were earned throughout the tourney for things like having an HQ at the boards center or killing your opponents most pricey unit).  I have to say Tau in the right hands are still a dang scary army no matter what the internet says.

Game 2 was annihilation and spearhead.  Out table had a smattering of rocks around, a few of which were big enough to hide a vehicle.  I played against the guy who won the last tournament with his Chaos Marines. he had something like this:

Lord with lightning claw and combi melta

Great Deamon

5 Lesser Deamons

10 Marines on Foot

5 Havoks with 2 lascannons and a Rhino with havok launcher

5 Marines in a Rhino with a melta and fist

5 Marines in a Rhino with a plasma

3 Terminators with fists and a flamer

3 Terminators with combi meltas

3 Bikers with 2 meltas

3 Bikers with 2 meltas

1 Lonely, lonely obliterator

He went first and turbo boosted his bikes to either side to try and flank me, and managed to stun a prism.  I responded by dooming both bike units and guiding both avenger squads, moving 12, disembarking, and doing roughly 20 wounds to each bike unit.  2 Kill Points.  I then fired a Bright Lance into the lone Obliterator, vaporizing his face.  3 Kill Points.  Some fire from the dragons serpent and the vypers exploded a rhino in his center and killed 4 out of the 5 Marines (!!!!!) inside.  4 Kill Points.  With the only real threat to my vehicles being the 2 lascannons which I fairly quickly dispatched, turn 1 left me pretty much able to run the board and pick off what I wanted when I wanted to.  Things got ugly fast.

My opponent quickly became discouraged but battled on, his dice abandoning him slight more with each step.  I saw some of the most horrendous rolling ever from this poor man.  By the end of the game he had his lord, 2 marines, and the havok rhino left compared to my...most of my army.  Is was a sound thrashing.  Supreme kudos to my opponent for laughing off his dice and riding through the game as a gentleman.  Eldar victory, I believe I got 18 or 19 points out of 20.

Game 3 was a seize ground mission with dawn of war deployment-pretty good for my list.  I was faced up against Black Templars with:

the Champ

3 Groups of Crusaders in Rhinos

8 Assault Terminators in a Land Raider Crusader

2 Individual Tyhpoon Speeders

Vindicator with PotMS

Our table wasn't very balanced, with big rock formations on one side and little cover on the other.  My opponent went first, which I wanted.  He selected the side with the rocks and drove all his vehicles on.  On my turn one, I got lucky through the night fighting and wrecked the closest rhino that happened to be the one with the Champion in it.  These guys would spend the game slogging to an objective and getting Night Spinner'ed every turn, which slowed them and nearly wiped them out.  I got my Dragons in position to shoot up his Land Raider the next turn.

He proceeded to, as predicted, drive at me and shoot stuff.  One unit of Crusaders disembarked and attempted to fire a melta at one of my Wave Serpents.  I then proceeded to double-doomed-guided bladestorm them into mush.  The speeders were a nuisance, but they only got to shoot once.  It took me 3 turns of rolling damage results multiple times on both of them before they finally died.  The Dragons made their move aaaaaand...Imobilized and Weapon Destroyed his Land Raider.  5 Melta Guns....sheesh.  This left a gap between the nearest rock formation and the raider not quite wide enough for his Vindicator, effectively trapping it unless it spent 2 turns driving around things to maybe shoot once.  I proceeded to ignore it for the remainder of the game, and it never shot its cannon.  Unbelievably one  Dragon survived his return fire, and still even after assault with melta bombs and another meltagun shot, didn't manage to destroy the Land Raider.  Turns out this was ok though, as it was far enough away from the action.

As we aproached the late game I positioned my Prisms to make last turn tank shocks into his objectives and sat my scoring units on mine, juuuust out of Vindicator range.  With a solid 24 inch move, the game ended in and Eldar victory.  I believe I got 18 or 19 points again.

I ended up placing second overall which was great!  Got a little swag out of it.

The only thing about the event that rubbed me the wrong way a little was the inclusion of a new sportsmanship system that Dave was trying out.  Essentially each player picked the one person they played that they enjoyed the most, and gave them a point.  This gave everyone a sportsmanship score somewhere between 0 and 3.  I got a 0.  I consider myself a fairly nice and mild mannered guy who is knowledgeable about the rules.  I was a little surprised to get a fat 0... especially after the first game.  You see, with 1:15 on the clock we had one turn left to play.  This is not enough time for a turn.  And I was winning.  Buuut my opponent was adamant and wanted to enact his plan, so I said "sure but hurry".  So he moved his transport towards the objective and started shooting.  A moment later he says "oh shoot I forgot to disembark my troops that will need to run if they have any chance of scoring can I do that now?"  Against my own best interest, as I was still winning, I said "go ahead".  So he did.  15 minutes after we weren't supposed to be playing anymore, he didn't make it to the objective, I move 2 units and win the game in about 30 seconds.

Now maybe I'm biased, maybe I'm being silly.  But...he played a game against a more forgiving opponent than that?  Maybe he did; I didn't watch all his games or anything.  Or maybe he was just mad because he lost.  And then there's the second round against the Chaos player when we had plenty of time for a final turn which could have gotten me a few more bonus points and a tabling when I said we could end the game there (without calling it a concession).

Look don't get me wrong, I'm not being a nice guy to get prizes.  I had a great day at the event and I still placed.  But when the TO tells you that the deciding factor between first and second was the sportsmanship and the above mentioned is taken into account...something seems weird.  I'm all for encorporating sportsmanship somehow, but this system seems like it needs a little work.  Anyone agree?

So that's my recap.  Hope ya'll enjoyed the read.  And again, if you're ever in the area check out Your Hobby Place in Martinsburg WV.

I've got some projects in the pipe so hopefully I'll get those on here as well.  Workin' on a weird janky Eldar list.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back from the dead! In a few ways...

Hey! I haven't posted on here in ages. What started as kind of a group blog fell off rather fast...but the wonders of the internet have kept this blog waiting for tender care to return to it.
I've decided to come back to it to discuss my current project, which is oddly fitting to resurrecting this blog. I'm going to toy with the ancient Black Templars codex and all it's 2 editions of the game oldness! There's a lot of neat bargains and shenanagains to be found in there. I'm going to have fun with it while it lasts! I've got a marine army in the colors and emblems of my fraternity (the wonderful Phi Mu Alpha) and have yet to find a codex that lets them play how I want...until now. I've looked to Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Vanilla, heck even the Chaos codex. But Templars lets me pretty much do what I want.

Here's the list I'm messing with now. I'm going for fun, a little different than what is common these days, and taking advantage of some of the hidden gems in the codex. I'll give a unit by unit breakdown after.

Emperor's Champion-Accept any challenge no matter the odds

Marshal-Power Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Iron Halo, Artificer Armor, Terminator Honors

10 Initiates, 10 Neophytes-Meltagun, Powerfist, Frag Grenades

5 Initiates-Lascannon, Plasmagun

5 Initiates-Lascannon, Plasmagun

5 Terminators-2 Assault Cannons, Tank Hunters

5 Terminators-2 Assault Cannons, Tank Hunters

Dreadnought-Venerable, Tank Hunters, Twin Linked Lascannon, Fist, Extra Armor

Predator Annihilator-Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Predator Annihilator-Heavy Bolter Sponsons


So yeah there she is. Let's break it down with my thoughts.

The Champion is required and that oath is the no brainer its always been. Re-rolling to hit in close combat across the board is a winner, and he's not bad himself with his 2+ 4++ and s6 Power Weapon attacks.

The Marshal is also really just there to fill a spot, but I feel I've kitted him out to be pretty effective. His 2+ and 4++ matches the Champion and he gets a pretty impressive 6 Power Weapon attacks on the charge.

These guys both will hang out with the big 20 man squad of troops. The power fist in there isn't great, getting only one attack, but it's cheap and re-rolls to hit so it could still be effective. I'm not sure yet weather to keep the meltagun or make it another power weapon...I guess we'll see after some playing. This unit is fairly straight forward though. Lots of bodies and attacks with two fairly nasty characters to help out.

Next up is the little las plas squads. Kickin' it old school. Templars are the only codex that can still do this without a full 10 man squad, and it's stupid cheap with each squad coming in at a mere 101 points. They'll be great for sitting on objectives and sniping away all game.

The things you can do with Terminators in this codex are pretty silly. I'm not even going to touch Assault Terminators with all that nonsense. 2 Assault Cannons is nasty enough, but with Tank Hunters they're effectively s7 against vehicles. Yuck! This unit will damage armor 14 on average at least once every time they fire, and will blow lesser armor to pieces. The Cyclone launchers might be better in some cases (4 s9 missile shots!) but I'm going with these for the utility. Not only can they blast open tanks, but this is some serious horde control potential. If they get into assault, hey they're Terminators...that re-roll to hit. And have s9 Power Fists against armor. Fun fun! I'll take 2!

The Dreadnought is mostly for fun as he's a bit pricey for what he does, but he's still pretty cool. He can snipe tanks while he advances with a Tank Hunters twin linked Lascannon (so really s10), effectively has s11 against armor in hand to hand, and will be fairly survivable due to venerable. He may get dropped down to a standard dread without the venerable and tank hunters, but for now he's kitted out.

The Predators are fairly standard. I stuck them in because I wanted some heavy armor to back up the army, and because I have the models. I'd like to use some Landspeeder Typhoons, which are only 70 points each in this codex, and a pair come in at only 5 more points than one of the Preds. But alas, I don't have the models. Maybe I'll switch one out eventually.

So that's the list. I'll play it with the Terminators flanking the Dread out front, the blob behind them to collect cover and counter charge, and the shooty units in cover shooting things. Genius, right? The army has a decent 5 Lascannons (3 twin linked) and some other nasty shooting that should be able to handle many things, and can kick a fair amount of butt in close combat. I hope to play it soon and will be sure to let all my readers know how that goes. I'll also hopefully get some pictures up too!

Thanks for reading, and please drop me a comment!