Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Go Go Speed Eldar Action!

Hey guys, Bang Bang here. So I walked into this tournament with my Eldar, easily my favorite army, ready to out-maneuver and pick apart anyone that I cross. I play a heavy mech build, relying on my Grav Tanks and precision strikes to win me games. My list was as follows:

Farseer- Jetbike, Singing Spear, Spirit Stone, Runes of Warding, Doom, Fortune
6 Warlocks- Jetbikes, 2 Singing Spears, 4 Destructor, Enhance, Embolden

6 Guardian Jetbikes- 2 Shuriken Cannons

8 Dire Avengers- Exarch, Dual Catapults, Bladestorm
Wave Serpent, Twin Linked Shuriken Cannons, Spirit Stone

8 Dire Avengers- Exarch, Dual Catapults, Bladestorm
Wave Serpent, Twin Linked Shuriken Cannons, Spirit Stone

5 Fire Dragons- Exarch, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent- Twin Linked Bright Lances, Hull Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stone

Fire Prism- Hull Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stone, Holo Fields

Fire Prism- Hull Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stone, Holo Fields

All pretty standard and nothing mind blowing.


Weird that Mech Eldar and Nerons faced off in two seperate games round 1... Anyways, this guys list was rough. He had 5 Pariahs, the Deciever, a Monolith, Destroyer Lord with Scarabs, some Flayed Ones, some Wraiths, and the rest of his points in Warriors. His Phaze Out seemed easy to reach. I deployed out both Fire Prisms and the Council, with everything else in reserve and opted to go second. He made a big nasty bludgeon out of his uber units, coming right down the center at me, with everything else set up defensively.
My initial plan was to go for the Phase Out, but as his big nasties got closer and closer I found I'd be better served acting conservatively and going for the mission instead. At first I took pot shots with the Prisms to minimal effect, and set up the council to be a big fat distraction. He took the bait, sending just about everything he had after them, leaving his defensive units unprotected. The Council, true to it's nature, held the line for essentially the whole game, while my reserves came in attacking his back up troops. The Pariahs dropped in one turns shooting from 2 units before having any effect on the game. This pissed him off. With my Council finally killed off by all the Invulnerable ignoring attacks, I was free to finish off his C'tan (a big morale blow) and kill off a whole squad of Warriors with my flanking forces. His reaction was to port his forces via Monolith into one quarter while I had Dire Avenger squads in two others. With a grav tank in every quarter, the game was mine 2-0. I received one bonus point, putting me at 11.


I knew this would be a tricky game with all the crazy Psycher-hunting tricks these guys have, not the least of which is that annoying unlimited range Psychic Hood. His army has 2 units of Storm Troops, one with a Rhino, Saint Celestine, an elite Inquisitor in a Land Raider, two Exorcists, 5 Seraphim, a big unit of elite Sisters, and that one insane assassin. I opted for second turn as is usual in objective games for me, this time deploying the Prisms and Council in one corner, and the Fire Dragons in their Serpent in the other. First turn was rough, losing the cannon off of one Prism and getting charged by an infiltrating assassin that killed 2 Warlocks before exploding to kill 1 more. Ouch. I did get the satisfaction of causing a perils wound on his Inquisitor via Runes of Warding though. Take that!
My turn one, I sent my gunless tank out to go tank shocking, boosted the Council, and tried for some pot shots to little avail. His next turn was pretty uneventful, shooting most of his army into the Council. My turn two some reserves came on catching him off guard. A Shuriken Cannon Serpent caught side armor on one of his Exorcists (I HATE THOSE THINGS!) and blew off its gun, with the second being blown apart by my Farseer's singing spear. The Fire Dragons epic failed against his Land Raider, stunning it and taking off a las cannon. Ho hum. Highlight of the turn, however, was definitely tank shocking his Storm Troopers with the gun-less Prism, who promptly failed morale and ran off of the board. He absolutely didn't see it coming. Tank shock is far under used! Ha Zah!
With his armor neutered and all three of my troop choices alive and mobile, it was really just a matter of staying out of assault range for the rest of the game. That one Fire Prism would go on to tank shock twice more, once of which resulted in the heroic death of his Inferno Pistol armed Inquisitor (SPLAT). I won 2-0, with no bonus points, bringing me to 21 overall.

GAME 3- Black Templars

This game was against a guy from our local store that I've played many a time. We were on a nice city board, which I loved. He was running 2 small squads in Rhinos with Lascannons, the Emperor's Champion with 9 guys in a Rhino, a Land Raider Crusader chalk full of Lightning Claw Assault Terminators and a similarly armed Marshal, and 3 Attack Bikes, and a 5 man shooty Terminator squad with 2 Assault Cannons. I chose to go first, placing the Council behind a big building at board's center, and a Dire Avenger unit hidden in a corner. He put down his Land Raider on a road and a Lascannon Rhino. I held the Jetbikes in reserve.
My first turn I take some pot shots at his Rhino and set up the Dragons for the predicted Land Raider rush. Sure enough on his turn it came right at me, just short of assault range. The rest of his army crept onto the board. My second turn I unleashed the Dragons, blowing his Land Raider into tiny bits, and unloaded on his Terminators bringing them down to 2 and the Marshal. I charged with the Council if for no other reason than to hold them up.
His second he advanced a little, taking a few shots at me with no effect. Next turn I succeeded in popping a Rhino and shooting down all but 2 of the foot Terminators, plinking off some wounds on his Marshal and his cronies in the assault phase. We had a weird running gun battle through the close combat between my Guardian Bikes and his Attack Bikes. Thanks to doom, I eventually won that. With the kill point tally close, I needed to clean up a few things for the win...
In the final few turns I killed off his Marshal and Assault Terminators finally before getting assaulted by the Champion's crew. I resorted to Bladestorming a single Terminator, causing 12 wounds on him. Needless to say, he died. When all was said and done, I had 5 points to his 3 (my Farseer, a Wave Serpent, and the Dragons) netting me a win. It was a good ol' fashioned face beat fest.
At the end of the day, I had 32 points total, getting me second place. I also, however, won painting honors which gave me more swag overall than the first place winner (take THAT Suddz!!!) with which I picked up Planetary Empires. Be looking for some posts on that later. PEACE.

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