Monday, September 21, 2009

Tourney on the 20th: a review

We had a local tournament on Sunday the 20th, and decided that it'd be a good time to get out blog going.

We'll be covering the experiences of two Ben's and a JD, including our successes and failures.

The tournament was three rounds at 1750. The first mission was a throwback to the old 4th ed. cleanse mission, being table quarters for deployment with the objective being controlling said quarters.
The second mission was 5 objectives placed just like Seize Ground, with Pitched Battle deployment and a turn 3 and 4 night fight "eclipse" to throw in some flavor.
The final round was Dawn of War with Annihilation, with the only tweak to the standard missions being that the 2 Troops and 1 Hq were mandatory to deploy.

Coming up soon will be Ben, Ben, and JD's reports, as Eldar, Necrons, and Imperial Guard respectively.

Check back soon!

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